Hiring the Next Generation of the Hospitality Workforce

There are many generations in the working force today, making for unique views and dynamics. Sometimes generations are split up by major world events, or social/economic factors, and others are broken up by time.
The Silent Generation
Born between 1928-1945. Often thought to be very traditional and rules-driven. Most of this generation is retired, although some continue to work.
Baby Boomers
Born between 1946-1964. Known to be hardworking and driven by perks and professional status.
Gen X
Born between 1965-1980. This group is flexible and independent, and they value work-life balance.
Born between 1981-1996. Currently the largest generation in the workforce, they want transparency and a clear line of career advancement.
Gen Z
Born between 1997-2012. The newest addition to the workforce, Gen Z is the most tech-savvy and wants a democratized work environment.
Of course, these generational characteristics are general and do not apply to every person born within those years. Still, there is truth to these distinguishing traits and they should be considered when looking to attract that group to a company, business, or position. Job technology like Gigpro takes on the challenge of attracting a diverse pool of candidates within a large age range. By creating a platform for hospitality gig employment, Gigpro has made it easier than ever to reach candidates and find hospitality gigs.
Now that we know who is working today, who is up next?
It’s still Gen Z! Although there are currently many young adult Gen Z-ers in their mid-twenties, some are still as young as 11 years old. Even though many of them are young, they are shifting culture through social media, personal habits, and purchasing power.
Millennials vs. Gen Z: How do they compare?
Both Millenial and Gen-Z generations tend to move on quickly from companies, though they want stability within their roles. For these workers, career growth happens with job movement. Gigpro is one of the companies that has created a way for hospitality workers and employers to take career growth, movement, and hiring into their own hands.
Millennials have brought a lot of attention to mental health in the workplace, and Gen Z is going to continue to support that movement. In addition, they want their workplace to be socially and environmentally conscious.
Both of these generations grew up using technology and are used to very instant gratification. Because of this, they are comfortable using and learning new technologies like Gigpro and are looking for changes and results to happen quickly.
Gen Z at Work
Gen Z is coming into the workforce at a time when inflation and cost-of-living are high. Naturally, they need higher pay to balance that. That said, they are looking at the bigger picture of what their job brings, such as flexibility, community, learning opportunities, diversity, and company ethics.
What kind of jobs do the younger generations want? You won’t be surprised to hear that a large part of this generation is leaning into their tech roots and are interested in companies like IBM, Google, and Microsoft. Others are interested in medical jobs, general business, or engineering.
Skillwise, they are technologically savvy and adapt quickly to new digital environments. Video is more natural to this generation than those before. They also may have a more global perspective, having grown up seeing how life is lived in every corner of the world.
They tend to value businesses that are supportive of their employees and take a stand against injustices. They want their management to be more human-centric and less numbers-driven. Gen Z wants a well-rounded life and that includes their work life too.
Attracting Gen Z to Hospitality
Attracting this newest generation to hospitality will require some dexterity. For a generation that grew up in pandemic times, hospitality doesn’t feel as stable for them. Tackling this negative perception is crucial. Although the pandemic was a tough time for hospitality businesses, current industry outlooks are positive. Hospitality as a whole is recovering, making it a great industry to enter.
As employers may be used to more traditional hiring practices, they need to change that methodology to connect more with Gen Z. Adopting technology for the hiring process is a must. This generation is looking online to find their next position. Hiring boards like LinkedIn are important, but social media is also a great way to advertise for open roles. Make sure you have an online presence that is easy to find and use. If you’re wanting to employ hospitality workers, Gigpro’s platform is second-nature to this digitally native generation looking for those jobs.
Evaluate your current pay structure. Can you offer employees a more attractive wage? Or provide competitive health benefits? Although the federal minimum wage still sits at a low of $7.25, companies are having to take it upon themselves to offer a livable wage. A benefit of hiring through Gigpro is that gig workers can also get affordable occupational accident insurance.
Outside of pay and benefits, it’s important to create and maintain a work culture that feels positive and inclusive. An important part of culture is a sense of belonging – welcome new employees and make a point to introduce them to their coworkers. Create opportunities for peer socialization and employee recognition.
Career development is also important to offer. When interviewing and onboarding your new employee, take the time to get to know them and their professional goals. As they progress in their role, offer them opportunities to grow and learn new skills. Gen Z wants an employer who invests in them and lets them pursue specific interests.
Lastly, flexibility is important. Gen Z wants to be treated like a person and not just an employee. They want to know that when life happens, work can adjust. If your business doesn’t already offer gig work as an option, it’s worth trying to attract and retain younger talent. In a Statista survey of freelance participation by generation, 50% of Gen Z respondents have participated in freelance work. Rideshare has Uber and Lyft, professional services have Fiverr and Upwork, and hospitality has Gigpro. In addition to attracting new hospitality talent, Gigpro is a great backup for when a current employee has a last-minute shift change.
While these might sound like a lot of changes, the outcomes benefit more than just Gen Z. Implement these adjustments, and you’ll soon find that workers from every generation will be reaping the benefits.