About Us
We’re on a mission to encourage better company culture, providing pay that sustains more than just a temporary position, and delivering benefits to an industry severely lacking in them. We hope to end short-staffing so owners and managers can focus on the parts of running their business that truly drive them, secure in the knowledge that they have workers they can count on. The Pros on our platform have filled over 150,000 shifts, and thousands have found full time job placement on the platform. While the last couple years have been difficult for the world and for the hospitality industry in particular, we’re proud to be offering an innovative and on-demand solution to the staffing crisis that our hospitality industry deals with on a daily basis.
We believe in a few core things here at Gigpro
We believe that everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity
We believe everyone deserves a fair chance if given the opportunity
We believe there are many ways to pursue the life that you want to live